Young actor Sharwanand scored his career’s best hit this year with Shatamanam Bhavathi. However his next outing Radha turned out to be a huge dud at the box-office.
The actor is now gearing up for the third release this year with Mahanubhavudu which is in final stages of shoot. Maruthi is directing the movie which is said to be a romantic comedy entertainer.
The makers are keen on wrapping up the post-production work and release Mahanubhavudu during Dasara if NTRs Jai Lava Kusa walks out of the race. The movie’s work has been pending and there are talks that the film may not hit the screens during Dasara.
If Tarak walks out of the race, Mahanubhavudu will hit the screens on September 21st. Mehreen is the female lead and UV Creations are bankrolling Mahanubhavudu.