Vijay Devarakonda’s next film Arjun Reddy has been making into the news because of the bold content and steamy lip locks. The makers have been promoting the film with the posters that contained intense lip lock, which did not go well with Congress senior leader and Ex MP V Hanumantha Rao.
Without stopping there, the senior politician stopped a bus on the roads of Hyderabad and he started tearing the posters calling them objectionable. He said that such posters are responsible to ruin the future of youngsters.
“Government should not encourage such commercials and advertisements for money. They will have a huge impact on youth” said Hanumantha Rao. Responding to this Vijay Devarakonda took his official facebook page saying “Thathayya, chill”.
Arjun Reddy directed by Sandeep Vanga is hitting the screens on August 25th and it has been carrying huge buzz. The pre bookings of the film are said to be exceptional and special premieres have been planned ahead of the film’s release.