After a series of glamorous outings, Taapsee returned back to Tollywood with a bang with Anando Brahma which falls under the genre of horror comedy. The movie which has been made on a strict budget released last week and is running successfully all over.
The actress is said to have charged no remuneration for the film and instead she gave her nod to share the film’s profits after they recover their investments. The makers revealed that Taapsee loved the script and she did not want to turn a burden for them.
“I genuinely believed the script and wanted to give it a try. I knew I won’t be paid much and decided to gamble. We believed that Anando Brahma will create a frenzy down South and as expected the film has been doing exceptional business all over“, said Taapsee.
Anando Brahmna directed by Mahi V Raghav has been doing decent business even in its second week. The entertainment quotient along with the interesting narration are the film’s major highlights.