It’s almost confirmed. Actor Allari Naresh is going to share screen space with Mahesh Babu in the actor’s forthcoming film. And it’s not a cameo but a full-length role. The film is being helmed by Vamsi Paidipally who directed films such as Oopiri, Brindavanam. “Naresh has been approached for a significant role in Mahesh-Vamshi Paidipally film and Naresh readily agreed to do the role. A formal announcement regarding the same is awaited,” divulged a top source in the know.
The untitled film has been launched recently and the film’s shoot will begin once Mahesh gets free from Spyder. The high-budgeted Mahesh Babu film is jointly produced by Aswini Dutt and Dil Raju in a lavish way.
Currently, Mahesh is shooting for Spyder in Romania for a song. After this, he will join the shoot of Bharath Ane Nenu directed by Koratala Siva. Recently, the film’s shoot in Lucknow has been cutshort as permission was denied. Action scenes in Bharath Ane Nenu (BAN) are yet to be shot. Mahesh is expected to work on BAN and Vamshi’s film.