Chennai siren Regina Cassandra who has been struggling to make it big in Telugu cinema pinned all her hopes on Krishna Vamsi’s Nakshatram. The movie presented in her in the most glamorous way and the actress to stepped out of her limitations for the movie.
Despite of a huge dose of glamour from Regina and another heroine Pragya Jaiswal, the movie failed to make minimal earnings at the box-office. Made on a budget of Rs 20+ crores, the movie ended up as a massive debacle and just managed to collect Rs 4+ crores in its final run. Regina failed to make any impact and the movie unit has been left in shock with the way the film performed.
Director Krishna Vamsi completely banked on the glamour of Regina rather than penning an interesting script. Regina who pinned all her dreams on Nakshatram shattered completely. The actress is busy with co