Way back in 2010, leading Telugu producer Allu Arvind was accused that he has insulted the national flag and a petition was filed against him. Finally, after fighting in court for years, the top Tollywood filmmaker got a significant relief.
Back then, when Allu Arvind hoisted the tricolor at Chiranjeevi Blood Bank on August 15th, 2010, accidentally the flag was upside down, and rumors have that it has fallen on the floor a short while later. Hurt with the happening, All India Forward Block state secretary Muralidhar Deshpande complained about the incident at Jubilee Hills police alleging that Allu Arvind insulted our national flag. Though Chiranjeevi Blood Blank insulted an apology later, saying that “It is purely a human error which has resulted in the hoisting of the national flag upside down” and regretted it, the petitioner went ahead with his case.
Finally, other day Court made it clear that only intentional acts of insulting the national flag are punishable, but not accidental happenings, and quashed the case against senior Telugu producer. In fact, it is Allu Arvind who approached High Court to cancel this matter and give him relief. Back then, with Allu Arvind promoted as Prajarajyam Party leader, every single act of him went under the scanner by other political opponents. That’s how this case has come into existence, a belief many of Allu admirers.