Pawan Kalyan has stunned one and all by taking to Twitter to respond to all the love fans have been showering for the past one week ahead of the actor-politician’s birthday tomorrow (Sep 2). Pawan delivered a great birthday gift to all his fans by conversing them through Twitter.
What else, fans expect from PSPK? As one can expect, Pawan’s six tweets that he made have sent fans into tizzy and go berserk. Below are the six humble tweets of Pawan Kalyan.
Pawan’s Tweets..
#1 I wholeheartedly thank you all for your love, support n kindness you keep showering on me.
#2 Though, I don’t celebrate my birthday but when I see you all celebrating it..
#3 ..and I feel all the more humbled ;look into my self and ask’ Do I truly deserve this much of love?’
#4Though, I come from a family of five but ‘God’ made me to embrace a much larger&huge family which is of millions spread across the Globe.
#5 In my turbulent & testing times , you all.. truly stood by the “Mighty Mount Everest”.
#6 My undying love& never ending gratitude for you all.