On the occasion of Powerstar Pawan Kalyan’s birthday today, a different debate got sparked off on social media in connection with Pawan Kalyan’s age. With Wikipedia mentioning that Pawan was born on 1967 at one place and 1971 in another paragraph, fans are also wondering what is his true age.
Surely Pawan hasn’t touched 50, in that case, it would have become a celebration time in the mega family circles like they celebrated #mega60 earlier.
A little dig into some old pictures of Pawan’s Aadhar Card and Voter ID card exclusively obtained by some fans associations years back, has revealed another interesting number. Forget what is his real date of birth, but his father being a police department employee all we could say is that he would have registered only date of birth and used the same in all certificates.
In that case, September 2nd, 1968 is the real date of birth of this powerful hero, which makes him turned to 49 today. This is the true of date of birth of Pawan Kalyan, confirms sources close to him.
And Pawan is said to have enjoyed the presence of his vadina Surekha at his film’s shooting today as Megastar Chiranjeevi visited the Trivikram directorial’s shoot surprisingly.