Megastar Chiranjeevi announced his next project officially titled Syeraa which will be directed by Surendar Reddy. The principle cast along with the list of technicians have been announced on Megastar’s birthday. The movie will have three female leads and Nayanthara has been officially announced.
The latest update is that Kanche fame Pragya Jaiswal has been roped in to play another female lead in Syeraa. The actress impressed the audience with her performance in Nakshatram and Jaya Janaki Nayaka.
Pragya Jaiswal made her debut with Varuntej’s Kanche which brought her wide reception. The other female lead in Syeraa is yet to be finalized and the regular shoot will start from October. Rajeevan and his team are currently sketching the sets which will be erected soon.
Syeraa will be made in multiple languages and AR Rahman is composing the music. Ramcharan’s Konidela Production Company will produce this big budget periodic drama.