With Jr NTR not picking up his career to next level, there are many rumours spreading in rife that he is losing out the market. But for a hero of his stature, what all it needs is just one film to take lead in the race. Let us have a look at the already buried figs and possible new spring leaves that can happen in Young Tiger’s present career.
What matters for NTR at the moment is just one hit. It is not just NTR, but the likes of Pawan, Mahesh, Charan and Balakrishna are all having disappointing and paining flops before they actually scored industry hits. Also Junior is a hero of such stature where he could score records and extract collections irrespective of the season the movie is releasing. Right movie, stuffed with right content and that’s it Junior will be back to track. Many may give advices about choosing directors, but all these blockbuster directors have once delivered duds too, and again they will deliver hits too. So, leave it to Jr NTR and he knows how to keep his fans entertained and happy.