In an unfortunate way, hero Akhil broke his engagement with Hyderabad based Shriya Bhupal who happens to the grand daughter of the successful businessman, GV Krishna Reddy of GVK group. Ever since Akhil moved to his new project “Hello” being directed by Vikram K Kumar and natural thought of people is that what Shriya is doing now.
Much before the love story of Akhil and Shriya happened, we hear that this lady got trained in fashion designing and she’s even running her label “Shriyasom.” Many times we have seen the likes of Samantha and Rakul Preet flaunting their glamour in the outfits designed by Shriya. Guess what, she became quite busy as a designer right now.
We hear that recently Shriya Bhupal joined hands with another favorite fashion designer Ananya Malhotra Reddy, a relative as well, and crafted some new designs. Named ‘Botanical Illusions,’ their new designs are exhibited at recently concluded Lakme Fashion Week too. Since 2014, Shriya regularly displays her designs at nation-wide popular fashion weeks. Though Hyderabad based designers most of the time carve out ethnic wear, Shriya is popular for bringing out western wear.
Most recently when Shriya’s pictures surfaced on the internet where she’s noticed partying with Allu Sirish, a huge fuss was made out it. But with Sirish himself clarifying that theirs is a brother-sister like relations, rumor mills have shutdown.