Other day as Andhra Pradesh government canceled the controversial GO 64 related to Agriculture University Students, Janasena president Pawan Kalyan emerged as a champion. Many students from the prestigious NG Ranga University hailed him for the achievement. Guess what that talk about this development in bureaucrat circles is.
Actually, if the GO is in place, the students who studied a course in agriculture at any university or institution around the world will get a chance to get employment in the agricultural sector department of Andhra Pradesh. Undoubtedly most of them would come up with bogus certificates and fetch jobs through back door arrangments. A source revealed that for each job, the officials behind the whole fiasco fixed around five lakhs as payment.
Now that Pawan Kalyan’s interference made AP government cancel the GO, almost all the students will be passed outs of the local university only, and they will not be interested in bribing for the job. Also, any corrupt official might fear to demand one, because there is a chance of students approaching Pawan again. On the whole, there are around 3000 posts to be filled in the department as per unofficial sources, and that would have easily fetched 150 crores for corrupt babus. But the Janasena president poured water on their jobs.