The whole of Rajamouli family has carved out nation’s biggest and most applauded film, the Baahubali franchise, which is not just the highest grosser in India but also a big release when compared with other Bollywood biggies. But apart from Rajamouli’s directorial ventures, his family always loves to promote other films.
Film lovers these days are losing interest in Rajamouli’s reviews and revelations because they are not holding true when the films hit theatres. These days many films are getting hit talk much before Rajmouli tweets about them, and those films he tweeted about little early are turning damp squibs. From Patel SIR to Paisa Vasool, his praises didn’t stand worthy when it comes to the performance of those films at box office.
Not just Rajamouli, his family members like brother Keeravani, wife Rama and son Karthikeya are also appreciating films made by their good friend Sai Korrapati, but those movies are not working well. Most recently Rajamouli stated that as his wife praised the story of Yuddam Saranam movie, the film is going to become a blockbuster. Though he exuded tremendous confidence in the movie, the output is not such an interesting one. The film got negative talk all over with bad second half getting nailed by every film lover.
With Rajamouli and his family members’ words not turning true these days, people are commenting that the family is in need of a huge blockbuster among the films they promote. Who will end their struggle? We have to see!!