The highly anticipated theatrical trailer of ‘Raju Gari Gadhi 2’ has just landed and it gives mixed vibrations. The story looks kind of cliched and done to death but the commercial elements and technicalities impress.
First part, ‘Raju Gari Gadhi’ was high on fun and had decent scares. It looks like director Ohmkar has relied on similar scary and fun moments in the second part as well. While the fun bits look passable, the ghost set up looks intriguing.
Nag consumes most of the screen time in the trailer. He is introduced as a mentalist who comes to solve the mystery of ghost in the bungalow. He reveals the plot – Samantha’s soul possesses Seerat Kapoor and it seeks vengeance. The plot seems cliched but Thaman’s background score, rich cinematography and the presence of star comedians and Nag-Samantha-Seerat trio holds the attention.
The Ghost in part 2, Seerat Kapoor, looks sassy, modern and sexy (Shakalaka Shankar calls her in the trailer as ‘Oora mass deyyam’, which looks a very apt description for her), unlike the ghost in the first part, played by Poorna.
The film is slated to hit screens on October 13, 2017.