After recently divulging that he was seriously considering to float a new party, Kamal Haasan threw a huge surprise on Thursday by meeting AAP (Aam Aadmi Party) chief and Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal. Actually, it was the Delhi CM who called on Haasan at his office in Chennai. The two had close to one hour meeting over lunch, needless to say that the meeting created a flutter in Tamil Nadu politics.
Later, in the press conference, Kejriwal praised Kamal Haasan as a person of integrity and courage. “When the country is facing corruption and communalism, all like-minded people should work together. We had an excellent meeting and we will continue to keep in touch in the future,” Kejriwal said.
Kamal said that it was an honor for him to meet Arvind Kejriwal. “We have a common agenda – to eradicate corruption from politics. We had a dialogue on the existing political situation of the country. I sought his advice before my political plunge,” Kamal added.
Buzz is that Kejriwal, who has been thinking of expanding his party’s reach to the Southern states, has requested Kamal to join AAP and spearhead the party in Tamil Nadu. Kamal on the other hand has intentions of floating his own party and take the support of all like-minded parties in his fight. He has already extended his support to left parties. All opposition parties are planning to form a political Front against BJP and AIADMK forces in Tamil Nadu. The parties are planning to promote Kamal as the Head of their front.
The ball is in Kamal’s court now, and he is expected to take a call on his political plunge very soon.