Kamal Hasan’s daughter Shruti Hasan may be talented and sensuous. However she became an overnight star thanks to Power Star Pawan Kalyan’s power as Gabbar Singh. She endeared herself to mass and class movie lovers as Bhagyalakshmi sizzling in traditional outfits in the film.
Now she is signing offers with top stars and directors. Now this Pawan pori is under controversy but it is not her own doing. A photo of her with a mole near her cleavage is doing rounds on internet. Shruti missed it completely since she was busy with promotions and functions.
This resulted in rumours coming out that her beauty spot is her mole. Her fans already issued a statement that the photo was morphed. This finally reached Shruti who also cameout in open and clarified that she doesn’t have mole in that part of her body. Though much controversy is generated Shruti did not find the whole incident amusing. Shruti is currently starring in Yevadu and Race Gurram.