Sexual escapades of self-proclaimed godmen in India have started making news again after Baba Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh was recently convicted of raping two of his woman disciples. Here is the case of another Baba, whose libido exacerbated to satanic level.
60-year-old Kaushalendra Prapannacharya, popularly known in Rajasthan as Falahari Maharaj, was arrested on Saturday on the complaint of a woman, accusing him of Rape. The 21-year-old law student has mentioned in the complaint that the Baba manipulated her to lick his tongue before sexually assaulting her.
As per the victim’s complaint, the Falahari Baba told her that he was writing ‘Om’ on his tongue with honey and that she would have have to lick it. He claimed that he had imparted knowledge to several of his disciples in the same manner.
According to the FIR, the Baba took her in a private room and sexually assaulted her claiming that he would make her a judge. He reportedly claimed that he had made many people IAS, IPS and MLAs. He then carried out the predatory sexual deed defending his act that he was doing all that on instructions from the God.
The issue came to light when the victim told the ordeal she underwent to her parents, who then filed an FIR. Baba is currently in police remand.