Anchor turned actress Rashmi Gautam is in the news recently for her bold statements. During her recent live Facebook chat, she received comments that her next outing Next Nuvve will end up as a debacle for which she replied saying that the film’s result is not in one’s hands. Not stopping there, netizens asked her about dating, her affair with ‘Jabardasth’ fame Sudheer and other cheap stuff.
What is to be admired is that Rashmi handed all that criticism bravely and showcased how a woman with iron-fist could answer it. “I have been frequently asked about dating Sudigali Sudheer. We are close friends and we bond well on sets. We are working together for Jabardasth and Dhee from last five years, and that lead to mushrooming of several rumours. But I’m equally close to others as well and there is nothing sort of an affair between us” she said.
“We are not much bothered about the rumours and they are quite common as we are of same age. Also, I like Sudheer’s skits a lot as they are quite enjoyable, which doesn’t mean skits of other Jabardasth teams are not that fun”, she further added. But one wonders why time and again everyone asks Rashmi about dating Sudheer or being in a relationship with him?
At the same time, some even pointed that she’s not a Telugu speaking girl and advised her to speak Telugu properly. A brave Rashmi once again stunned all with her answer. “My father is from UP and my mother is from Orissa, but I was raised in Vizag. So Telugu naturally comes to me and there is no need of anyone’s lecture on that”.
By this time she gave this answer, many of her admirers started feeling that she’s being cornered too much by the netizens with heir hatred but still she’s emerging winner all the time.