After a long hiatus, the 38-year old actor Siddharth is back in Tollywood and he’s set to scare us with a horror drama this time. The theatrical trailer of his upcoming trilingual film titled ‘Gruham’ (in Telugu) has been released online and it is sure to scare out of your wits.
Starring Andrea Jeremiah as leading lady, the 2.15 minute trailer of this true story has sizable amount of horrific episodes and you can watch it now to see what it’s all about. The raw brutality and scary snips in the trailer makes Gruham a must film to explore the fears and scary bites. Andrea Jeremiah is nothing short of gorgeous in the horror-centric drama.
Besides writing it along with Siddharth, the Kollywood filmmaker Milind Rau directed it in three languages simultaneously- Hindi (The House Next Door) and Tamil (Aval) as well. Now that the trailer is out, we’ll start hearing more buzz about Gruham and it is scheduled to stride into cinemas in November.
Viacom 18 Motion Pictures and Etaki Entertainment (Siddharth’s home production) have rolled out the film for which Girishh is music composer.