Deeply hurt with the lifetime ban imposed by the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) on him, former India fast bowler S. Sreesanth has said he was considering playing for any other country. In the wake of the 2013 IPL spot-fixing scandal, a total of 36 players including Sreesanth were banned by BCCI from playing cricket. Following this, the cricketer challenged the ban in the Kerala High Court. After a long legal battle, the High Court in August this year lifted the life ban imposed on him.
An unforgiving BCCI then appealed against the single bench verdict, and on October 17, a division bench of the Kerala High Court upheld the the life ban on the bowler, thus ending his hopes of playing for any state cricket association in India that comes under the purview of BCCI.
In a recent interview, Sreesanth has reportedly said that as the ban had been imposed by the BCCI, which was a private company, he had the freedom to play cricket for any other nation and that he was seriously considering the option. “As a person who loves cricket, I want to play cricket. If not for India, I will play for any other country,” he said.
Reportedly, a clarification from acting president of BCCI, CK Khanna came out that banned cricketer Sreesanth cannot play for any other country as per ICC rules. According to ICC rules, any player banned by his parent body, cannot play for any other country.