Young hero Ram pinned all his hopes on his next movie Vunnadi Okkate Zindagi which is carved by Kishore Tirumala. Anupama Parameshwaran and Lavanya Tripathi are the female leads in the movie which is all set for a release on October 27th across the globe. Here goes a revelation about the film.
If the film’s director Kishore Tirumala’s words are anything to go by, Anupama’s character is the major highlight of the movie. And that brings to the discussion, why hero Ram has chosen yet another story that puts a heroine in the central point.
It was Keerthy Suresh who has been widely applauded for the film Nenu Sailaja which ended up as a massive blockbuster. Despite Ram’s honest efforts, he didn’t have the needed attention. Is Ram really not bothered about the female leads garnering attention and grabbing the name?
Some say that as Ram is in need of big hit he’s picking these female-centric scripts which do work at box office big time. Others say that Ram is basically a feminist and gives huge respect to women, because of which he likes these stories.
We have to wait and see how Ram makes an impact in Vunnadi Okkate Zindagi.