Buoyed by good expectations, energetic hero Ram’s latest release, “Vunnadhi Okate Zindagi” took a good start at box office this Friday despite of mixed reviews. The romantic drama raked in a worldwide gross of Rs 7.5 Cr on Day 1, and thus became the actor’s career best opener.
The film became Ram’s bigger opener in the Telugu states as well by raking 5.85 Cr gross, with a share of 3.58 Cr, overtaking his previous best, “Nenu Sailaja” which had collected a distributor share of 3.39 Cr in the Telugu states on Day 1.
Area-wise break-up of share:
Nizam – 1,41,96,210
Ceded – 50,00,000
Nellore – 11,00,000
Guntur – 35,50,000
Krishna – 26,17,806
West – 23,10,000
East – 29,24,645
Uttharandhra – 41,50,000
Total 1st day AP & TS Share – 3.58 Cr (Gross – 5.85 Cr)
Total 1st day Worldwide Share – 4.6 Cr (Gross – 7.5 Cr)
In the US, the film took the biggest premiere opening for Ram with a gross of $110K.
Unlike “Nenu Sailaja”, VOZ received mixed word of mouth on day 1. It needs to be seen how the film sustains at box office.