None other than Superstar Rajnikanth went gaga over the way Rajamouli has planned Baahubali and executed it. He came to all praises for the director after he carved such a magnum opus that brought pride to South Indian movies. Here is what now people are talking about this star’s latest film ‘2 Point 0’.
Actually, Rajamouli’s intense marketing ideas worked big time for Baahubali to make huge noise much before release, resulting in mammoth collections. Releasing every single poster for each character, selling merchandise and advertising at unconventional places helped the film better. Treading on the same path, Kabali took promotional plans to next level.
During the release of Kabali, we’ve also seen how an air travel company painted a couple of their planes with Kabali posters. And that worked very well for the film; courtesy is the staggering 300 crores gross the film made despite flop talk. And now, 2 Point 0 is beating both Rajamouli and Kabali’s plans.
From advertising in the big LED screens at India Vs Newzealand T20 match other day to hoardings in Times Square, New York, and Dubai as well, Lyca Productions is taking the film much deeper into audiences. This penetration will sure mint crores for this Shankar marvel, no matter how the talk of the film is.