Actor Rajasekhar turned very emotional over his mother’s death. The grief-stricken Rajasekhar was later caught in a roadside brawl.
When asked about what really happened and why his mother’s demise has affected him so much, Rajasekhar explains, “I am feeling like a criminal. I am guilty that I couldn’t save my mother. My mother complained about pain in the stomach on the day when she died. I spent five minutes’ of crucial time thinking about whether I should give her the same tablet that I had given her the previous day. Had I given her the same tablet on time, she might have been alive today.
Talking about his film Garuda Vega which is going to hit the screens this week, he said he would like to thank his family for the film, he said, “This film is Jeevitha’s gift to me. She had always wanted me to do a film like this.”