Ever since Revanth Reddy has joined Congress along with his close aides, the political temperature in Telangana has shot up. The latest development is that Konda Surekha is toying with the idea of joining Congress. A former minister in YSR’s cabinet and well-known politician from Warangal district, Konda Surekha said to be seeking a commitment on two MLA seats from the district to join the Congress.
While a few from Congress are agreeing to the proposal, many are opposing Surekha’s demand. The high command is yet to take a call on it.Inside sources reveal that PCC is ready to offer her Warangal East seat, but not sure on the other seat. Apparently, Surekha is seeking Parakala Assembly seat where she would like to field her daughter from the constituency.
PCC is now holding discussions with its Warangal leaders.