Hero Rajasekhar and director Praveen Sattaru are in a jubilant mode with the film PSV Garudavega getting applause for its Hollywood like making standards. However, those who have seen the film can’t stop raving about the budgets involved.
Actually, there is a buzz going on about this film that nearly 25 crores was spent on this film as budget overshot midway. But some latest rumors added that they have finished the movie in around 15+ crores. Those who are aware of the technical brilliance involved in these types of films, however, has different things to say.
“Even for a superb striking visual effects film like Baahubali, the visual effects are done with around 40-50 crores budget only. So why would Garudavega take so much as there are no big sets also built? Going by the visual, and the locations like Georgia, Bangkok and other places, and for that star cast, the budget will be closer to 10 to 15 crs only” an insider commented. Some media folks added that additional 1 crore is being spent on promotions.
Though Rajasekhar, Jeevitha, and Praveen confirmed that the budge has overshot, they never revealed any figure. But why are they silent when it is being said that 25 crores are spent on the film? Is it to invoke sympathy? Or to make distributors believe that the film got really superior stuff?
We hear that even if the film collections only 4-5 crores from the box office, the satellite and digital rights are likely to push all investors to safe shores.