Super star Mahesh Babu and Ranveer Singh are shared screen space for the first time. We don’t mean to say they are working in a movie. The star duo has come together to shoot for a commercial. Yes, Thumbs Up it is!In other news, Mahesh Babu has already begun shooting for his next with Koratala Siva – Bharat Ane Nenu. The film will also star Kiara Advani. It’s reportedly a political drama where Mahesh Babu will take on the Chief Minister act.
As per updates, the producers of Bharat Ane Nenu are looking to release the film on April 27th, the same as Rajinikanth’s 2.0. None of the producers are ready to budge. As of now, there hasn’t been an understanding regarding the releases in April.
As for Ranveer Singh, apart from awaiting Padmavati’s release, he will soon begin shooting for Gully Boy also starring Alia Bhatt. Recently his look from his next with Rohit Shetty was also unveiled. It featured him a never seen before cop avatar.