SS Rajamouli’s forthcoming movie Baahubali, which features Rebel star Prabhas in the lead, has been creating positive buzz ever since the director announced it. The ace director had now roped in National award winning art director, Sabu Cyril for the movie. Cyril had earlier worked for movies like Aparachithudu, Ra.One and Robot. A huge set is being erected for the movie in Ramoji film city. The regular shooting of the movie will begin in this set from mid April.
Bahubali is bringing Prabhas and Anushka Shetty together for the third time. Rana Daggubati is said to be doing a negative role in the film. The movie, which is produced by Shobu Yarlagadda and Prasad Devineni. under Arka Media banner and will be presented by K Raghavendra Rao. Keeravani will be scoring the music.