Bigg Boss Telugu reality show has started off this year amidst numerous doubts. Many opined that shows like these won’t work in Telugu. However, surprising many, the reality show that is hosted by NTR, has become a profitable investment for the channel that aired it, despite some ups and downs in between. The staggering TRP ratings fetched by Bigg Boss is a proof of its success. Reportedly, Bigg Boss show helped Star Maa channel to compete with rival channels in TRP arena too.
Now, moving from the TRP ratings and the comparisons with Telugu shows, Bigg Boss has achieved a stunning international feat. The Telugu show has been ranked No.6 in the world among the TV shows that have been searched in Google this year. This is a huge achievement considering that Bigg Boss Telugu stood alongside hugely popular American shows like ‘Game of Thrones’, ‘Dexter’ etc.
NTR’s hosting was the major asset of the show. Although TRP ratings come down during some weekdays, NTR would bring the show back to top during weekends with his terrific screen presence, deft vocabulary, humor and spontaneity. The organizers have already announced that they will be back with the second season, and speculations are rife that NTR will also be back as the host.