Right now Kajal has only two films in Tamil, one with Vijay and the other with Karthi. In Telugu no one is approaching her as she is reluctant to cut down the remuneration. She has already lost a film each with Mahesh Babu and Pawan Kalyan. With Kajal’s self goal, Samantha, Sruthi Haasan and Tamanna are making merry by signing up multiple projects at a time.
It is high time for the beautiful lass to realize that money is not all and should be flexible with her demands especially when she is offered a film with some superstar. After scoring hits with Nayak and Badshah, Kajal has only Yevadu to release in which she did a cameo. She had two successful films in Hindi but currently she has no Hindi movie on hands. Her high demands are said to be the reason for it. Well, wake up Kajal!