In a tragic incident, Sandhya Rani, the victim of petrol attack in Hyderabad, who had been getting treated in Gandhi Hospital in Hyderabad, succumbed to the injuries on Friday morning. The ghastly occurred in full public view in Hyderabad on Wednesday. She was rushed to hospital immediately, where her condition was stated to be critical. Sadly, she couldn’t come out alive owing to the 80 percent burns she had sustained.
Karthik, the accused has been taken into custody, and based on the statement Sandhya gave to police just before her death, could send him for imprisonment for a long time, said a police official. Sandhya’s mother is heart broken after her charred daughter succumbed to the burns.
For the unknown, the incident occurred in the city’s Lalaguda area when the 23-year-old Sandhya was returning home from work. The attacker is identified as Karthik, and he is suspected to be her ex-boyfriend. He has allegedly resorted to the ghastly crime when the girl had spurned his advances, after their break-up. He is said to have tortured her on phone to marry him before resorting to the inhumane act.
A case has been registered against Karthik under Section 307 (attempt to murder) of the Indian Penal Code (IPC).