For the first time on Twitter, Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister N Chandrababu Naidu has wished opposition leader, YSRC president YS Jagan on his birthday other day. While for nearly an hour or so, twitter debated as to why Naidu tweeted and will Jagan give any reply or not.
Actually, Jagan has targeted the TDP Supremo with a slew of tweets many times by directly mentioning Naidu’s twitter handle. Never came any reply from the Telugudesam boss, as he always maintains cools on unnecessary rants. But this time, as he tweeted on Jagan’s birthday, even the YSRC boss got surprised.
“Pleasant surprise andi. Thank you”, tweeted Jagan, half an hour later, responding to Naidu’s twitter wishes. Some say that naturally, Jagan wouldn’t have given a reply, but it is Prashant Kishore who advised him to do so.
These days if we see, even Prime Minister Narendra Modi is wishing his rivals like Sonia Gandhi and Rahul on Twitter, so Naidu might have done the same. And if Jagan fails to respond to such stuff, he will engulf in negativity by pushing voters to think that he’s not into this constructive politics. So he has done a good thing replying.