Three Hours For A New Heroine? Too Much

Sometimes, the planning of so-called PR people just goes for a toss. And not stopping there, it will be hurting the total plans of the media folks who will be at the receiving end all the time.

Other day when an interview with newcomer Kalyani Priyadarshan of ‘Hello’ fame was arranged for some select media groups, we hear that things went for a toss. Literally, few radio folks are said to have waited close to 2-3 hours, just waiting for the newcomer to come and meet them. With pressure from heads at the office to get interviews, these RJ’s and program producers need to wait. But that only extends their work in the evening and they stay late at the office until wee hours, missing personal space in life.

When we checked it, few sources stated that there was no mistake of Kalyani as she wasn’t informed right time of the interview. But the PR people involved in the whole arrangements are blaming the newcomer for delays and also firing on media folks saying that they have to wait if they need an interview.

Well, just for a 10 minutes interview of a newcomer, do they really need to wait for three hours? The way Tollywood functions have to be changed big time!!