Natural Star Nani, who is enjoying the good run of his recent release, ‘MCA’ at box office, has made some interesting revelations when asked about whether he would have done ‘Arjun Reddy’, rumors of having ego clash with Sai Pallavi, his films getting monotonous etc.
When asked if he would have acted in Arjun Reddy, Nani said, ‘When a film is offered to me, I think of whether it will make audience uncomfortable to watch with their families. I try to cater my films to all sections and all age groups. I liked Arjun Reddy very much when I watched it in theatre but I would not have given my consent if it had been narrated to me. Some films look good after being made, but they might sound different at narration stage. I really am not sure if I would have acted in Arjun Reddy’.
The ‘Nenu Local’ star said that both he and Sai Pallavi laughed off throughout the making of MCA when they heard and read the rumors of their ego clash. He instead praised Sai Pallavi and said that he himself makes sure that heroines in his films have strong characters, and that he never tries to downplay their roles.
When asked about his films getting monotonous, Nani asserted that they were not. ‘Maybe its because I am doing three films a year, some people find my films monotonous. If you take BBM, Nenu Local, Ninnu Kori, Gentleman, KVPG etc. they all are different from each other,’ Nani said.