Shocking everyone, as usual, director Ram Gopal Varma has suddenly become a talk of the town by revealing that he’s coming up with a special film on philosophical sex featuring adult movie actress Mia Malkova. How did this adult film’s trailer and posters are doing with audiences?
Surprisingly when Varma posted some sleazy pictures of adult starlet Mia Malkova last night, few popular lady celebrities instantly liked the pics on Facebook and Twitter. Followers of those celebs are shocked to see them liking the disrobed look of the USA based performer. Especially one young and beautiful girl known for her cute talks liked the posters on Twitter, leaving everyone in a state of surprise.
While the trailer for the film preaches that Mia Malkova likes to have sexual relations with not just one guy but with many men at the same time, everyone got stunned. Adding more to it, with many lady celebs liking it, it looks like Varma found his audiences and supporters as well for the controversial theme.
On the flip side, the film is neither going to release in Indian theatres nor on Youtube due to the restrictions on such content. It will be released on another content sharing platform ‘Vimeo’.