After Superstar Mahesh Babu and Balakrishna Nandamuri have recently teamed up with Tamil directors AR Murugadoss and KS Ravikumar respectively, another noted Telugu hero has given his nod to a Tamil director.
Macho hero Gopichand has agreed to do a film in the direction of Tamil director Thiru. Gopichand was said to be so impressed with the subject that he didn’t bother about giving green signal to a Tamil director, who hasn’t yet made a direct Telugu film. It is said to be a universal subject i.e. not curtailed by ‘nativity’ issues.
Thiru has made three films till date, all starring hero Vishal in lead role, and all three got dubbed in Telugu because of Vishal’s popularity. His film starring Gopichand would be his debut in Telugu. It will take long for the project to go on floors as both Gopichand and Thiru are busy with their prior commitments. Chakri Chigurupati, who produced “Okka Kshanam”, will bankroll this film.
Gopichand is currently shooting for an action entertainer in the direction of debutante, Chakri. Mehreen plays the female lead.