Superstar Mahesh Babu, one of the most followed South stars on social media, has now joined the photo sharing platform, Instagram. With millions of followers already on Twitter and Facebook already, his instagram debut has been long overdue.
Mahesh is available on Instagram with the handle, ‘urstrulymahesh’, the same one that he uses for Twitter and FB. The superstar, whose Instagram account has been verified, hasn’t yet made his first post but he has already amassed around 25K followers, and the count is ever-increasing as we write this piece.
Mahesh’s Instagram debut comes just two days before he reveals the first look of his highly anticipated film, ‘Bharat Ane Nenu’. Who knows, the ‘first oath of BAN’ could be his first post on Insta!
The Title Launch of ‘Bharat Anu Nenu’ and the release of First Oath will happen at 7 am on Republic Day.
Mahesh’s Instagram Account: