Allari Naresh who is known for his comedy films is playing the dual roles in his forthcoming untitled film will take shape in the hands of director E.Satti Babu. The regular shooting of this comedy entertainer will commence shortly and the pre-production works have come to an end. This is the third combo film of Allari Naresh and E.Satti Babu after the release after �Betting Bangarraju�, �Yamudiki Mogudu�.
More details of the film are awaited and stay glued for interesting updates of the film. Meanwhile, Allari Naresh will be seen in a comedy entertainer �Kevvu Keka� that has reached the final leg of shooting. Sharmila Mandre is playing the female lead in this where Boppanna Chandra Sekhar producing the film under Jahnavi Productions banner . Chinni Charan, Bheems composed the tunes.