What is revealed by Hyderabad Police to some media channels today is coming as a shocker to Tollywood. It is being said that hero Nani got injured in a car accident in the early morning today (Jan 26th) at around 4:40 am but the news was kept under the wraps.
An Innova car bearing the registration plate TS07 FC0024 has hit an electric pole on the divider side of Road No 45, Jubilee Hills and got its front heavily damaged. While the incident occurred early in the morning, Police found only a driver named Srinivas alongside the car and took him into custody. But later it was found that the car belongs to Ghanta Rambabu, father of hero Nani and there unravelled the mystery.
After shooting till wee hours, Nani was said to have started home along with his driver and two other staff. Due to driver Srinivas feeling sleepy, he lost control of the vehicle and rammed into a pole, leaving Nani and others injured. Getting first aid from a nearby hospital immediately, it is heard that Nani left the hospital to home, say TV reports.
A report is being aired on a popular TV channel that the actor got hit on the face and can’t even continue shootings for a week or so. For now, there is neither any official confirmation from Nani about the accident nor any hospital spoke about it. Hope the talented actor is safe and doing well.