Young and rising star Vijay Deverakonda who shot to fame with Arjun Reddy will next be seen in a super natural comic thriller film directed by newcomer Rahul Sankrityan. Vijay is romancing two heroines Malavika Nair and Priyanka Jawalkar in the film which is bankrolled under two popular and successful production houses GA2 and UV Creations banner.
The yet to be titled film’s pre-look poster has been released. A car in high speed can be seen in this picture. No single artist is there in the poster, except for the car. In fact, car is said to be one of the main characters in the film.
Through this pre-look picture, they announced release time of first look poster. “FIRST LOOK ON SOME RANDOM DAY,” is what posted on the poster. That means they aren’t willing to reveal the date but release the poster sometime soon.