Fan Asked For Proper Hit, Hero Blocks Him

The advent of social media bought fans and stars closer. At the same time, some true blue feelings of celebs are also getting exposed to Facebook and Twitter. By observing the way these stars react to particular stuff, we could easily guess that.

We have seen how some big heroes and heroines talking nonsensical stuff on Twitter in the recent times. Other day a young hero who is known for his tech-savvy skills is seen behaving quite strangely on the social media. Because one of his followers asked him a weird, but an honest question.

Actually, the follower asked him when this hero will score a solid hit rather calling every film of his a hit. Annoyed by that straight punch, the hero immediately blocked the fan and complained to that social media authorities about that user, saying that the user is making abusive posts.

Well, whether that follower may be a hater or an anti-fan, but surely he didn’t abuse. He just asked a truth that often people around the hero sugar coat and keeps in the deep freezer.