Veteran filmmaker and Telugu Bhasha Parirakshana Vedika Convenor Kethireddy Jagadeeswara Reddy has recently come into prominence after he announced a film titled, ‘Lakshmi’s Veeragrantham’. He claimed to showcase the facts about NTR-Lakshmi’s relationship in his biopic on the Telugu film legend.
Reddy has once again made it to headlines, and this time, the subject is Telugu freedom fighter Uyyalawada Narasimha Reddy. A biopic is currently being made on his life by Megastar Chiranjeevi.
On the eve of Uyyalawada’s death anniversary, Feb 22, Kethireddy addressed media and raised the demand of bestowing ‘national hero’ honor to Uyyalawada. He reportedly claimed that he had met the President and the PM, and submitted an appeal to declare Uyyalawada Narasimha Reddy as a national hero. He reportedly said he would continue raising his voice in this regard until Uyyalawada doesn’t get the honor he deserves.
He further said that he had met Andhra Pradesh CM N. Chandrababu Naidu and requested him to install Narasimha Reddy’s statue in Amaravati.