Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao has made some crucial comments on special status to Andhra Pradesh. He expressed strong concern at the politicizing of the issue by the TDP, BJP and other parties.
The TRS Supreme said the idea to move no-confidence motion against BJP led NDA at the centre by the Andhra parties was a ‘cheap political trick’. He was opposing no trust motion.
KCR suggested that Political parties should come out clear on the special status first. Prime Minister Narendra Modi should abide by if he made the promise of special status to Andhra. If not, Modi or other political parties should also clarify their stand on the issue.
Lack of sincerity in political parties on special status has put people under big trouble and the state landed in deep crisis, he said, asserting the need to give up such cheap politics and bring a change in the political system.