Goa Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar is running his government from America. The chief minister left for US for medical treatment for an undisclosed disease and will stay in the country for at least six weeks. Before leaving the state, he did not delegate the powers to any of his cabinet colleagues.
Instead, Parrikar opted to retain administrative control through his officials. He constituted a three member cabinet advisory committee with senior bureaucrats which will only make suggestions to the CM on administrative issues. The final decision is vetted with the chief minister only.
He was also holding 20 portfolios, including the critical ones of home, finance, personnel, general administration and mining. The ailing CM informed his ministers he will hold cabinet meeting through video conferencing and take every decision by himself only.
Recently, Parrikat was admitted to a hospital in Mumbai and underwent treatment for more than one week. Rumours also spread his condition was critical. After returning to his state, the CM was advised to undergo better treatment in America.