After scoring music for Pawan Kalyan’s films – Gopala Gopala and Katamarayudu, young music composer Anup Rubens has once again worked for Pawan, this time however for his political party, Jana Sena. Anup has composed a powerful propaganda song for the party.
Titled “Inkenni Gaayalu?”, the song has foot-tapping music and powerful lyrics. It starts off with the speech of Jawahar Lal Nehru after he sworn in as the first Prime Minister of Independent India. The movements that happened in the Telugu states, the sacrifices made made by the students, leaders etc. also got highlighted in the powerful song.
The song conveys that Telugu people are tired of the bruises and wounds inflicted by the politicians for their personal gain. It endorses Jana Sena as the tool to bring reforms in the system.
It is heard that Pawan had specially asked Anup to compose this song so as to use it in the plenary.