Balakrishna is overseeing the formalities for ‘NTR’, a biopic on his legendary father and actor-politician NT Ramarao. The film’s inaugural ceremony will be held in a grand manner on March 29. Balayya will be donning more than 40 getups showcasing his father’s various transformations.
Now, the latest buzz is that Balayya may remake the blockbuster Kannada gangster drama ‘Mufti’. Balayya’s good friend and Kannada superstar Shivarajkumar had played a powerful gangster’s role in Mufti, which released recently and went on to recreate box-office records.
Soon after NTR’s launch, Balakrishna will watch Mufti in a special screening and take a final call on whether to okay the project or not. Mufti tells an intense cat and mouse story of a ruthless gang leader and an undercover cop.