As Malayalam Superstar Mammootty has already given his nod to reprise the role of former CM YS Rajasekhara Reddy in his biopic, the pre-production work has taken pace. Makers are planning to rope in only stars for other key characters in the biopic too.
The latest we hear is that reigning South heroine, Keerthy Suresh has been approached to play the role of YSR’s daughter-in-law and Jagan’s wife, YS Bharati. If Keerthy signs this film, it will be her next Telugu biggie after Pawan Kalyan’s “Agnyaathavaasi” and second biopic after “Mahanati”.
The film does not trace the complete life of YSR, but only his historical ‘Paada Yatra’, which voted him to power in 2004. Directed by Mahi V Raghav of “Anando Brahma” fame, the film has been titled “Yatra”. The prestigious film will go on floors in May.
Meanwhile, Keerthy is currently busy with a spate of Tamil films. Her next Telugu release is, Mahanati, a biopic on legendary actress Savitri.