In an yet another shock to beleaguered BJP in South India, Nagam Janardhan Reddy has quit BJP’s Telangana unit. Nagam has confirmed his plan to quit BJP to his close associates, followers in a meeting held today (Mar 22, 2018).
A senior leader in Telangana and a former TDP leader, Nagam had played crucial role during the Telangana movement. He has good support of people as well as the leaders from his community. With there is no chance for BJP to gain in Telangana and the last Budget turning out to be a disappointment to TS, Nagam seems to have taken the decision for his greener postures.
It is speculated that Nagam would join Congress very soon and the stage is already set for Nagam’s entry into Congress. Although non-Reddy leaders in Congress have strongly opposed the joining of Nagam into Congress Party, Revanth Reddy said to have fought for Nagam and got the nod from the party’s high command.
Nagam’s entry into Congress is expected to strengthen the Opposition Congress in Telangana and may pose a new challenge to the ruling TRS.