With Nayantara turned 29 on Monday, all eyes are on the actor’s marriage plans. Industry folks are curious that whether Nayan would make any announcement regarding her marriage on her birthday. But to their dismay, Chandramukhi star remained tight lipped. Considering that she earlier had two bad experiences (Prabhudheva and Simbhu) in personal relationships, she doesn’t want to take anymore chances this time around and doesn’t want to open up until and unless everything gets finalized.
Sources close to the actress confirmed that presently her focus is on her filmy career and she is not thinking about anything else. Nayan’s recent offing in Tamil Arrambam is a hit and she is on a roll in Telugu as well. Her last film Krishnam Vande Jagadgurum was a moderate hit. She is currently doing a bilingual film Anamika (remake of Kahaani) directed by Sekhar Kammula and B.Gopal-Gopichand’s film.
Nayan has flown to Kochi to spend her birthday with her family. Looks like, bad experiences in her life taught her many things.