These days, the film industry is filled with the news of newlyweds. From Samantha to Shriya, Anushka to Deepika, we have witnessed and we’re witnessing many. But there are few celebrities in Tollywood, who has chosen to remain fabulously single and happy. Recently, a senior actress from TFI openly confessed that she doesn’t want to get married.
She is none other than, actress turned producer Charmme Kaur. Long ago, she quit searching for roles as lead actress and currently working for Puri Jagannadh’s Puri Connects company. In a recent interview, Charmme said that she doesn’t like if someone inquires about her whereabouts and judges her. Charmme also revealed that she was in a relationship with a guy from the industry for a couple of years, but it didn’t work for her. If she got married to that guy, then instead of having a cool life, she would have taken a divorce, which will create more mess in her life.
The Anukokunda Oka Roju actress also clarified that, if she can’t be in a relationship, how can she lead a happy life after marriage. She commented that she won’t believe in marriage and in reality check, she is not a marriage material and decided to live with her parents. “My dad says, you’re not marriage material. That’s true about me. I will get to the spa to get pampered by a guy, but won’t marry one” she confirmed.
Well, there are only such few actresses in the industry, who give some bold statements about the wedding.